Mihai, Republic of Moldova

I always wanted to try living in another country because I love new cultures, new people and new experiences. Also I was taught my family history - that's why I chose to go study in Plzeň, where my grandfather was born.

I filled out the application form online and contacted the FEL Study office employee for additional information about the studying process. They were replying very quickly giving all the necessary information I needed. Also university volunteers helped me a lot when I arrived with things like university buildings (which are modern and comfortable, library is my favourite place now), public transport and everyday life in Plzeň.

During the first few months at the university I was worrying about losing friends and actually losing my personality, since I had nobody from my hometown around. But I've met friendly students from my faculty. We've spent a lot of time together and eventually became really good friends. I attended The Czech language course where I met more foreign students from different countries, which helped me making international friends.

To explore the city I was going to different events: music, art, cinema, sport, history festivals etc. I made a lot of friends and even met my beautiful girlfriend there. She presented me to her friends in Prague. We went to multiple concerts and art galleries. I never actually studied in Prague, but I prefer Plzeň because I think that it's not as big and chaotic as the capital city.

When I just started studying at FEL I had a new strong feeling that I participate in a great process of transferring knowledge through generations and empowering the human progress. Now I realise how much it helped me to define my life goals, manage my time and make myself a better person. I think that for humanity education is as important as health and security.

First year contained many different fields like business, programming, ecology, industry. It gave me the opportunity to choose one for my future career. By the way, UWB hosts different events for companies to present themselves and to make a contact with future employees.

Why I chose FEL over other faculties? I guess since I was good at physics at school and was inspired by some technology-progress personalities. Also it turned out to be less challenging for me as for foreign student because the science has no borders and language barriers.

Mihai, Republic of Moldova