Přednášky věda a technologie

Hlavním cílem série odborných seminářů Science & Engineering Lectures pořádaných Fakultou elektrotechnickou ZČU je utvářet prostor pro otevřenou diskuzi aktuálních témat výzkumu a vývoje, podporovat šíření tvůrčích myšlenek a sdílení informací v rámci akademické obce FEL. Mezi další cíle pak patří bezesporu také podpora spolupráce, komunikace výsledků tvůrčí činnosti a popularizace vědy a techniky nejen mezi akademiky, ale také studenty.

Aktuální pozvánky

  • Altermagnets:  a new class of functional materials (prof. Dr. Ján Minár, NTC ZČU)
  • EU-219 (the lecture will be also streamed on the faculty YouTube channel)
  • 16 April 2025, 13:00

Altermagnets, characterized by alternating spin splitting in the band structure and compensated collinear magnetic moments, bridge the properties of ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. They exhibit unique time-reversal symmetry-breaking magneto-responses, minimal stray fields, and high-frequency spin dynamics, making them highly promising for next-generation spintronic applications, including high-density magnetic memory and terahertz nano-oscillators. Their presence across a wide range of materials—from metals and semiconductors to insulators and superconductors—has sparked significant interest in functional material research. In this talk, I will present recent experimental advancements in altermagnets [1,2], with a focus on spectroscopic observations of lifted spin degeneracy and associated spin transport phenomena.

[1] J. Krempaský et al., Nature 626, 517 (2024).
[2] O. Fedchenko et al., Sci. Adv. 10, eadj4883 (2024).

Základní informace

  • Měsíční perioda setkání v hybridním provedení (zasedací místnost DFEL a online přenos na YouTube kanále FEL).
  • Seminář má vždy stanovené téma a program je zveřejněn pro celý zimní/letní semestr.
  • Seminář propojuje dvě přednášky (2 x 30 min.), nahlížející dané téma z různých pohledů, případně jednu přehledovou přednášku (1 x 40 min.). Závěr semináře je vždy vyhrazen pro moderovanou diskuzi.
  • Součástí série jsou speciální semináře, které mají formu tzv. “elevator pitch”, na kterých představují končící studenti doktorského studia výsledky své práce a nově nastupující studenti doktorského studia své téma a cíle.
  • Poslední seminář v daném roce (prosinec) je vyhrazen pro téma, které není jen odborné, ale nahlíží vědu, výzkum, vývoj a pedagogiku v širším kontextu.


  • Altermagnets: a new class of functional materials (prof. Dr. Ján Minár)
  • Magnetic sensors for fusion rectors (Ing. Pavel Turjanica, Ph.D.)

Proběhlé přednášky

Emerging Technologies for Healthcare (doc. Daniel Georgiev, PhD., doc. Ing. Radek Soukup, Ph.D.)

Daniel Georgiev is an accomplished operator of multiple deep tech research programs and a serial entrepreneur. He is the co-founder and CEO of Sampling Human, a techbio company based in Berkeley, CA, revolutionizing single-cell measurement for healthcare and drug development. Under his leadership, Sampling Human developed a novel plug-and-play solution that integrates advanced measurement technologies with machine learning algorithms, delivering highly sensitive single-cell, spatial omics data at an industrial scale. His innovative approach has earned him multiple prestigious awards, including the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, the City Prize for Innovation in Biotech, and the UWB Commemorative Medal.  Daniel is also an Associate Professor at the University of West Bohemia, where he established the first Synthetic Biology program in the Czech Republic. He assembled a multidisciplinary team and utilized his startup expertise as CTO at Clocky to foster a mission-driven culture focused on breakthrough technologies for precise characterization of biological systems. His team has published extensively at the intersection of genetic engineering, microfluidics, and machine learning. Daniel also organized the first Czech iGEM team, which he led to achieve first place in Health and Medicine and overall runner-up prize. Daniel holds a Master's in Applied Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Systems Theory from the University of Michigan. His dissertation on Team Theory introduced a novel principle of optimal modularity arising from decentralization in information structures. Following his Ph.D., he received an NIH postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he developed experimental methods for the mathematical modeling of genetically engineered cells.

Radek Soukup graduated from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in 2009 with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. During his studies, he took part in study exchange programs at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen (Danish Government Scholarship) and Brunel University in London (Erasmus Program). He also completed internships at Siemens VDO and Continental in Germany. His research interests include smart textiles and printed electronics. He is the author/co-author of 7 patents, 20 utility models, 38 prototypes, and 12 verified technologies. He served as the coordinator of the Czech-Italian consortium that succeeded in the pre-commercial procurement tender for smart personal protective equipment for firefighters in 2016. This tender was organized within the framework of the FP7 Smart@fire project. Radek Soukup has led 9 national and 6 international applied research projects. The EURIPIDES EUREKA project ADVANTEX, where he led the Czech consortium, was recognized as a EUREKA Success Story project in 2018. He currently heads the Smart Textiles Group in the Department of Materials and Technology at the University of West Bohemia. Alongside his team and industrial partners, he played a pivotal role in the successful launch of various products, including a hybrid conductive thread, a smart firefighter's suit, and a smart protective glove.

Optimal Design of Experiments (prof. Ing. Václav Šmídl, Ph.D.)

Prof. Vaclav Smidl is a researcher and educator in the field of systems identification and control theory. He holds a master's degree from the University of West Bohemia (1999) and dual Ph.D. degrees from Trinity College Dublin (2004) and the University of West Bohemia (2005). Currently, Prof. Smidl serves as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences. He also holds professorships at two  institutions: the University of West Bohemia and the Czech Technical University, both within their respective electrotechnical faculties. His primary research focuses on the theory and applications of systems identification, encompassing parameter estimation, Bayesian methods, and neural networks. He published more than 50 journal articles and more than 100 conference papers.

Autonomous Mobile Robots Operation (prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D.)

Jan Faigl is a professor of computer science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). He received his Ph.D. (2010) in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics and Ing. (2003) in Cybernetics from CTU. In 2013/2014, he was a Fulbright visit scholar at the University of Southern California. He had been awarded the Antonin Svoboda Award from the Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics in 2011. He served as the guest editor of the special issue on “Online decision making in Multi-Robot Coordination” in the Autonomous Robots journal. He currently serves as the associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE). Since 2013, he is leading the Computational Robotics Laboratory (http://comrob.fel.cvut.cz) within the Artificial Intelligence Center (http://aic.fel.cvut.cz). He is co-founder of the Center for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CRAS) - http://robotics.fel.cvut.cz. He participated in DARPA SubT Challenge as co-leader of the CTU-CRAS-NORLAB team. In 2021, he received Amazon Research Award. His current research interests include combinatorial motion planning, robotic information gathering, long-term autonomous missions with incremental online learning, autonomous navigation, aerial systems, and multi-legged locomotion control.