We are CEPS. We conduct electricity of the highest voltage.
We are the exclusive operator of the electricity transmission system in the Czech Republic. We ensure the safe and reliable transmission of electricity from producers to distributors and maintain the necessary balance between the production and consumption of electricity. Our backbone network is one of the most robust in Europe.
Thanks to our unique position in the energy market, we occupy a strategic role both domestically and internationally. We are a member of the Critical Infrastructure Association of the Czech Republic, and we work closely with other transmission system operators on a pan-European level, contributing to the further development of a single liberalized electricity market across continental Europe.
The Czech Republic is one of the most industrialized countries in Europe and needs erudite and innovative experts who will set the pace and direction of its further development. That is why one of our strategic priorities is the all-round support of technical education with the aim of linking academia and industry. Whether it is financial, material, or technological support or cooperation in educational activities, research, or professional projects.
Together, we are also part of the National Energy Centre II consortium, a grouping of leading research organizations, universities, and innovation leaders in the energy sector. The aim of this consortium is to develop a comprehensive strategy for modern, low-carbon, and sustainable energy to ensure the energy and raw material independence of the Czech Republic. We are pleased to be able to work with the University of West Bohemia on such an important program.
During their studies, we offer many attractive programs that open the doors to the world of cutting-edge technologies, the latest trends, and innovative projects.
We can provide talented students with an interesting scholarship with the prospect of further employment in our company. Every year, we organize the popular CEPS Summer School for 3rd and 4th-year students, where they will enjoy a week full of information, seminars, and excursions to top workplaces. Those interested in grid dispatching can again attend our Dispatcher Academy. In addition, we offer the possibility of student work placements, internships, and professional excursions.
For each academic year, we announce many original topics for bachelor's and master's theses, including their professional guidance. For fresh graduates, we always have an interesting offer of attractive starting positions.
You can see the range of topics for student projects, theses and dissertations below.
Offer of projects for students (in Czech only)
- Analýza dopadu připojování dalších provozovatelů přenosových soustav do PICASSO na aktivaci aFRR v ČR
- Řízení flexibility malých zdrojů, zejména organizace trhu s flexibilitou
- Inovativní diagnostické metody pro prediktivní údržbu (datová analytika, akustická diagnostika, virtuální senzory atp.)
- Možnosti využití virtuální setrvačnosti pro stabilitu ES
- Možnosti využití nástrojů umělé inteligence pro podporu práce dispečerů
Druh projektu
Diplomová práce
Druh projektu
Diplomová práce
Druh projektu
Diplomová práce
Druh projektu
Diplomová práce
Druh projektu
Diplomová práce