What You Will Learn
You will gain expert knowledge in the following areas:
- Systems for ensuring the supply of electricity,
- Requirements for power quality, EMC of devices and industrial systems,
- Use and consumption of electrical energy,
- Applications of electric machines and power electronic systems,
- Basics of electrothermal and lighting technology,
- The impact of electrical equipment on the power grid,
- Principles of minimizing negative effects.
By studying electromagnetic systems for energy conversion (as part of the specialization Electric Machines), you will also gain expertise in:
- New principles, materials, and technologies for manufacturing modern electric machines and their structural configurations,
- Cooling methods and heat dissipation,
- Modern approaches to electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical design,
- Simulation and modeling of operational parameters of modern electric machines for various load conditions.
Career Opportunities
Thanks to the broad range of acquired knowledge and practical skills, you will be well-equipped for a dynamic career in the energy sector and related technical fields. The demand for specialists in power electronics is enormous, and you can find opportunities as, for example:
- Electric Machine Designer – Responsible for designing and developing new electric machines using modern principles, materials, and technologies.
- Power Engineering Project Engineer – Works on projects focused on ensuring quality electricity supply, including EMC aspects of devices and industrial systems.
- Power Electronics Specialist – Focuses on the application and integration of power electronic systems in various industrial sectors.
- Power Quality Engineer – Monitors and ensures power quality requirements and minimizes negative impacts on power grids.
- Electrical Equipment Cooling Technologist – Specializes in cooling methods and heat dissipation for modern electric machines.
- Simulation and Modeling Engineer – Uses advanced simulation and modeling to predict the operational parameters of electric machines under various load conditions.
Additionally, graduates will find roles as team leaders, project managers, and R&D experts both domestically and internationally.
Study electrIc machines design!
Study Programme: Electrical Power Engineering
Specialization: Electric Machines Design
First year - winter semester
Compulsory courses
- Design elements of electric machines (4 kr., Ex)
- Drives and power electronics 2 (5 kr., Ex)
- Electrical machines 2 (4 kr., Ex)
- Electrotechnical qualification (1 kr., Cr)
- Introduction to Transport Engineering (2 kr., Cr)
- Materials and technologies for el. eng. (4 kr., Ex)
- Theory of Electric Machines 2 (5 kr., Ex)
- Windings of Electric Machines (4 kr., Cr)
First year - summer semester
Compulsory courses
- Design of Electric Machines 1 (5 kr., Ex)
- Electric Drives of Vehicles (4 kr., Ex)
- English for Electrical Engineering 6 (2 kr., Cr)
- Measurement and testing of el. machines (4 kr., Ex)
- Modeling and simulation of el.machines 1 (3 kr., Cr)
- Modeling of multi-physical problems (4 kr., Ex)
- Transmission and distribution grids (5 kr., Ex)
- Semester Project 1 - ES (3 kr., Cr)
Second year - winter semester
Compulsory courses
- Application of Superconductivity in EE (3 kr., Ex)
- Design of electrical machines 2 (5 kr., Ex)
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (4 kr., Ex)
- Modeling and Simulation of El.Machines 2 (3 kr., Cr)
- Renewable energy sources (4 kr., Ex)
- Selected Topics in Electrical Machines (4 kr., Ex)
- Sensors and measuring instrumentation (4 kr., Cr)
- Semester Project 2 - ES (3 kr., Cr)
Second year - summer semester
Compulsory courses
- Control Systems (3 kr., Cr)
- Copyright and Industrial Law (2 kr., Zk)
- Design of Power Systems (2 kr., Cr)
- Operations Management in El.Eng.Industry (2 kr., Cr)
- Power and Traction Systems (4 kr., Ex)
- Selected topics in el. heat and light (4 kr., Ex)
- Diploma Thesis (8 kr., Cr)