
Open Day
28. 1. 2025

Welcome to FEL. Get to know our Faculty, laboratories, study programmes, and opportunities that open to you thanks to studying electrical engineering.
The program is subject to change.

Open Day 2025 Program


When: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

Do you want to explore the Faculty, choose where to stop, what you want to see, and what interests you? The FEL building is available for you for free movement throughout the day. When you arrive, you will be given a map with a description of the locations, and you can choose where to look. And everywhere you go, you'll find someone to give you advice or directions. 

What can you expect? For example, wireless energy transmission, robotics, a communication station for controlling nanosatellites, smart textiles and their use, examples of e-mobility, renewable energy sources, high-voltage discharges, special acoustic laboratories, electrostatic separation of plastics, robotic music band, and much more. 


1st floor 
EU105: Particle detectors, signal processing (open all day)
EK101: Electric drives, 3D modelling, vizualization of physical fields (open all day)
EL101: Electrical power engineering (open all day)
EL101 and foyer: Electromobility and student formula (open all day)

2nd floor 
EL204: Robotics Laboratory - demonstrations with uArm robots, GoFa robots, two-armed robot YuMi, transport system XPlanar (open 8:00-15:00)
EL211: Electric heat  (open 8:00-11:00, 13:00-14:00)

4th floor 
EL422: Alternative energy sources, fuel cells  (open 8:00-11:00, 12:30-15:00)
EL409: Smart textiles (open 8:00-11:00, 13:00-14:00)
EL403: High voltage and dielectric system (open 8:00-11:00, 13:00-14:00)

5th floor 
EU509: 3D print of ceramics, robotic music band (KapFELa), visual programming (open all day)
Foyer: Communication systems, GPS, multimedia (open all day)

7th floor 
EK704, EK706: Radioclub and high-frequency system laboratory (open all day)


Where: FEL lobby

When: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  

Not sure what you want to see and visit? Never mind! There will be presentations of all Faculty departments in the Faculty lobby, and our representatives will be happy to answer all your questions. 

Colleagues from the Study Office are also waiting for you, feel free to ask them everything about your studies, admission conditions, study course, everything you are interested in! 


Where: auditorium EP 110 

When:  8:00–15:00, incl. prezentation of the study programmes and discussion at 9:00, 10:00 and 12:00

8:00-15:00 - video presentation of study programmes 

Do you want to learn more about study programmes and studying at FEL? A video presentation is available at any time of the day in the EP 110 auditorium. 

9:00, 10:00, and 12:00 - presentation of the study and discussion with students

Would you like to ask a representative of the FEL management or talk to our students? At 9:00 and 10:00 in EP 110, the Faculty will be introduced by Assoc. Ing. Jiří Tupa, Ph.D. (Vice-Dean for Strategy and Development) and at 12:00 doc. Ing. Roman Pechánek, Ph.D. (Vice-Dean for Educational Activities). You will have the opportunity to ask them or our students about their studies and life at the Faculty.


When: 8:00-15:00 

Do you like to develop, research, build or test your own stuff? Come check out our Makerspace labs, which are set up for students to work on their own projects. Here you will find a range of equipment - 3D printers, laser plotter, CNC milling machine, oscilloscopes, generators, power supplies and much more. 

If you like, you can build your own device from an electronic kit or create a souvenir on a laser plotter and take your product home.

1st floor EU103: Mechanical Laboratory - Demonstration of laser burning and 3D printing 
3rd floor EU304: Electronics Laboratory - Printed circuit boards, soldering

FEL Coordinators - Students to Students

When: 8:00–15:00

Are you interested in what it is like to study at FEL? Come and see us in our chill-out zone on the 2nd floor! You will find a pleasant environment where you can have a snack, chat informally with us students and find out everything you are interested in studying. Plus, we've prepared a fun fill-in game for you - there's a reward for completing it and a chance to win cool prizes. Come and take a look and soak up the atmosphere of FEL!



Do not miss this unique opportunity to listen to expert lectures on interesting and topical topics.

The lectures will be presented in Czech only. 

9:30-10:00- Plastics Separator (Ing. Jiří Kuthan) - We will present the electrostatic plastic separator project, followed by a student presentation in the faculty lobby. The presentation will also introduce the spin-off company nextcycle.

10:30-11:00 - Small modular reactors: the future of energy within reach (Ing. Tomáš Peltan) - What will the energy of the future look like? Big power plants are taking a back seat, and the world is looking for efficient, safe, and flexible solutions. Small modular reactors (SMRs) are revolutionizing nuclear power. Are small power plants better suited to the modern world, and what are the advantages and disadvantages? Come and learn about our TEPLATOR project - a unique modular reactor developed at FEL ZČU.

11:00-11:30 - AC or DC, or is the "war of currents" still going on? (Assoc. Ing. Miloslava Tesarova, Ph.D.) - At the end of the 19th century in America, the so-called "war of currents" between Edison and Tesla was fought over which electrical system - direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) - would become the standard in the transmission and distribution of electricity. The alternating current concept won out, which at the time appeared preferable for large-scale electricity distribution. But is the victory of alternating current definitive? Will we not return to the concept of DC transmission and distribution? What are the possibilities of using DC in future transmission and distribution networks? What are the pitfalls of developing DC networks?

11:30-12:00 - Formula Student (Petra Vinšová, Michal Drahokoupil) - Learn how the university-wide student formula team "UWB eRacing Team Pilsen" works, how difficult it is to build a formula according to international rules and prepare it for races. We will introduce you to everything that is designed and produced using the formula and explain how you can join the team. We will review the last season, which was the first with an electric drive, building on the success of the previous combustion formula.

12:30-13:00 - Wireless Power Transmission - Nikola Tesla's Dream Come True (Assoc. Ing. Vladimír Kindl, Ph.D.) - The lecture will take you through the history and present of wireless power transmission technology, which is becoming more and more widespread in many areas. You will learn what principles wireless power transmission works, what advantages and risks it entails, where it finds application, and where it can lead to further development.


Where: auditorium EP 110 




Student projects

What are our students working on? What are the conditions and support for this? How do they choose their topics, and how do they enjoy working on their projects?

Find out about this and much more in the Student Projects Exhibition! You have a unique chance to see what our students are working on and ask their creators anything that interests you. Our students will be available for your questions and will be happy to share their experience and enthusiasm for electrical engineering with you. We hope that our student projects will inspire you to study further and explore new possibilities!

Where: corridor EU

When: prezentations 9:00-11:00, 13:00-14:00


As not all places of the Faculty are easy to enter, we have prepared guided tours for you. At scheduled times, your guides will pick you up in the FEL lobby and lead you to your destinations. 

Research and Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering (RICE) 

When: 9:30, 11:30, 13:30 

  • Hall laboratory 
  • Laboratory of power systems 
  • Laboratory of microelectronics
  • Laboratory of deposition and layer processing
  • Climate testing laboratory 

Acoustic laboratories

When: 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 12:00, 13:30, 14:30  

  • Acoustic laboratories - anechoic and reverberation chamber

EMC and High voltage laboratory

When: 8:30, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 

  • Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) laboratory 
  • High voltage laboratory

Renewable energy sources, satellite communications 

When: 8:30, 11:00, 12:30, 14:00

  • Renewable energy solar park 
  • Satellite communication ground station 

Presentation of our strategic industry partners

Part of the program of this year's Open Day is also the participation of our strategic partner companies, who will present themselves at their stands directly at the Faculty. You have a unique opportunity to find out how studying at FEL can open doors to your future career, for example in these prestigious technology companies. Representatives of our partner companies will be happy to answer any questions you may have about cooperation opportunities, internships, or employment opportunities for graduates.

See for yourself that the connection with industrial practice takes education at FEL to the next level!


Are you interested in studying at FEL but cannot visit us in person for any reason? We have thought of that too and prepared an alternative for you - online presentations of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.


Take a look at our study programmeslaboratoriesetc. anytime you want: