Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Full-time and Combined)
First year - winter semester
Compulsory courses
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (5 kr., Ex)
- Fundamentals of Programming for El. Eng. (4 kr., Ex)
- Introduction to Information Technologies (3 kr., Cr)
- Mathematics 1 (4 kr., Ex)
- Matrix Calculus (3 kr., Cr)
- Safety Regulations in El. Engineering (1 kr., Cr)
- Technical Documentation and CAD Systems (5 kr., Cr)
- Theory of Electrical Engineering 1 (4 kr., Ex)
First year - summer semester
Compulsory courses
- Electrical Measurements (5 kr., Ex)
- Materials for Electrical Engineering (5 kr., Ex)
- Mathematics 2 (4 kr., Ex)
- Modeling in MATLAB and Simulink (4 kr., Cr)
- Physical Electronics (5 kr., Ex)
- Probability and Statistics for El. Eng. (2 kr., Cr)
- Theory of Electrical Engineering 2 (4 kr., Ex)
Second year - winter semester
Compulsory courses
- Basic Course of Autom.for El.Engineering (4 kr., Ex)
- Electrical Apparatus (3 kr., Cr)
- Electrical Machines (5 kr., Ex)
- Fundamentals of Electronics (4 kr., Ex)
- Fundamentals of Mechanics (4 kr., Cr)
- Mathematics 3 (4 kr., Ex)
- Theory of Electrical Engineering 3 (5 kr., Ex)
Second year - summer semester
Compulsory courses
- Application of Computational Methods (4 kr., Ex)
- Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (5 kr., Ex)
- Electrical Power Engineering 1 (5 kr., Ex)
- English for Electrical Engineering 4 (2 kr., Cr)
- Physics for Electrical Engineers (5 kr., Ex)
- Technologies in Electrical Engineering (3 kr., Cr)
Compulsory elective courses (one of the offered courses)
- Analogue Electronic Systems (5 kr., Ex)
- Automation in Power Syst. and Power Eng. (5 kr., Ex)
- Technological Processes (5 kr., Ex)
Third year - winter semester
Compulsory courses
- Electrodynamics (4 kr., Ex)
- Electronic Communications (4 kr., Ex)
- Measurement and Testing of El. Devices (4 kr., Ex)
Compulsory elective courses (at least one course from each block)
- Electronic Systems (4 kr., Ex)
- Design of Electronic Devices (4 kr., Ex)
- Power Electronics (4 kr., Ex)
- Digital Electronic Systems (5 kr., Ex)
- Electr. Machines and Devices Diagnostics (5 kr., Ex)
- Theory of Electric Machines (5 kr., Ex)
- Signals and Systems (5 kr., Ex)
- Electrical Power Engineering 2 (5 kr., Ex)
- Production Manag. in El.Engineer.Industry (5 kr., Ex)
- Programming in Electronics (3 kr., Cr)
- Organic and Hybrid Electronics (3 kr., Cr)
- Introduction to Design of El. Machines (3 kr., Cr)
Third year - summer semester
Compulsory courses
- Business in Electrical Engineering (3 kr., Ex)
- Microcontrollers and Computers (5 kr., Ex)
Compulsory elective courses (at least one course from each block)
- Information Transmission (4 kr., Ex)
- High Voltage Techniques (4 kr., Ex)
- Reliability of Electrical Equipments (4 kr., Ex)
- Systems and Models (4 kr., Ex)
- Optical Communications (4 kr., Ex)
- Electrochemistry (4 kr., Ex)
- Electric Drives (4 kr., Ex)
- Audio-Visual Technology (3 kr., Cr)
- Design of Installations and El. Wiring (3 kr., Cr)
- Numerical Modeling and Simulations (3 kr., Cr)
- Microelectromechanic.Systems and Sensors (3 kr., Cr)
- Final Project (7 kr., Cr)
Do you want to continue studying for a Master's and are not sure how to choose the right courses for your chosen specialization? Enroll in the courses according to the prepared study pathways (applies to study in Czech only).