

Admission procedure

For Czech study programs. For studying in English click below.

Applicants for bachelor (Bc.) studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (FEL) are admitted without an entrance examination after assessing the results of their secondary school studies and any other activities until the expected number of students is fulfilled.

Conditions for admission

  • secondary education completed by the final exam,
  • attach the required annexes,
  • payment of an administrative fee for the admission procedure,
  • compliance with the admission criteria.

Application for study

  • electronically at eprihlaska.zcu.cz,
  • fill in required data,
  • enclose the following annexes (in PDF format - rules):
    • summary of secondary school grades – Transcript of record (with the averages given for each year),
    • a school-leaving certificate; in the case of a final exam passed abroad, a certificate on recognition of foreign education or confirmation on the level of foreign education achieved according to the Rector's Directive No. 34R/2017 Procedure for the Recognition of Foreign Education and Qualification (Article 7 + Annex No. 4),
    • in the case of foreigners applying to study in Czech language, a certificate of completion of Czech language examination at B1 level according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) - Examination of the Institute of Applied Language Studies of the University of West Bohemia or another public university in the Czech Republic – this does not apply to Slovak citizens and graduates of previous studies in the Czech language,
    • documents demonstrating activities for which bonus points can be earned.
  • a medical certificate is not requested,
  • the applicant has the right to state in the application form that he/she is a person with specific educational needs.

Rules for attachments to Bc. study at FEE:

  • Scan the originals of the required documents individually to PDF and upload them when submitting the e-application in section Appendices.
  • If you do not yet have attachments available at the time of application, you can upload them later.
  • Choose appropriate file names to make attachments easy to identify.
  • Upload attachments one by one by dragging them to the marked place or using the Attach file button.
  • Uploading attachments must be done by the deadlines.
  • A maximum of 12 files can be uploaded.

Payment of the administrative fee

  • The administrative fee for admission procedure is 600 CZK.
  • Information on the bank transfer:
    • bank code: 0100
    • IBAN - CZK: CZ8101000000004811530257
    • IBAN - EUR: CZ0401000000004845500267
    • IBAN - USD: CZ3201000000004845490257
    • variable symbol: 2275000125
    • specific symbol: generated number for the application.
  • Proof of payment is not required.

Criterion for admission

Applicants are admitted for study according to rank order starting with the highest score, i.e. the rank list of candidates in descending order of scores, according to the Dean's decree.

The ranking of the candidates is determined on the basis of the B score given by the equation:

B = ( 200 / (Ø1+Ø2) ) + Z


  • Ø1, Ø2 are the last two annual average grades from the secondary school completed; these are always the average grades for the second semester; if the candidate has not completed the last year, the average grade for the first semester of the last year will be used;

and Z is the sum of bonus (special) points that can be earned for the following activities:

  • 10 points – at least once in the last three years the applicant has been a successful participant in the regional or national round of the Mathematics or Physics Olympics organized by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and placed at least third,
  • 10 points – in the current year, the candidate ranks among the best 70% (i.e. the percentile > 30) in the results of the National Comparative Examination (SCIO) in Mathematics or General Study Prerequisites,
  • 5 points – at least once in the last three years, the applicant has been a successful participant in the Mathematics or Physics Olympics organized by the secondary school and placed at least third,
  • 5 points – the candidate achieved a score of at least 50% in the regional round of the Logic Olympics organized by "Mensa" in the Czech Republic and placed at least third,
  • 5 points – the applicant has participated in a technical Olympics or another professional event at a regional or higher level at least once in the past three years.


Admission procedure dates

Deadline for submitting an application      by 15 April 2025

Deadline for submitting the required annexes to the application      by 15 April 2025

Deadline for payment of the administrative fee      by 15 April 2025

Deadline for demonstrating secondary education for applicants
who complete their studies in the academic year 2024/25      by 11 June 2025

Deadline for verification of fulfillment of the admission requirements for programmes taught in Czech      18 June 2025


contact person


Ing. Jana Čečilová

Study coordinator for international students

+420 377 634 095


Monika Živná

Study coordinator for full-time bachelor study (EU205)

+420 377 634 010


Bc. Martina Nováková

Study coordinator for combined study (EU211)

+420 377 634 011

Terms for Admission for bachelor study applicants