Anastasiya Halavanava was born in Belarus, where she also graduated from a technical high school. Her interest in technology and ecology brought her to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
The fact that Anastasiya is a foreigner was never a complication during her studies. Compared to Belarus, she valued the personal and helpful approach of the teachers, and she also fondly remembers the study clerks, who often kept their fingers crossed for her during the exam period. FEL Anastasiyi's contacts also helped to find a part-time job during her studies.
“I was pleasantly surprised at how loyal and helpful the teachers treated me during my studies. I really appreciated it, because I'm a foreigner, and a girl in the technical field. It was enough to be interested in studying, trying to meet all the necessary requirements and a positive attitude.“
Thanks to the possibility of partial modifications to the study plan, she was able to visit her family in Belarus and also travel around Europe. Her love of travel was also supported by the use of the Erasmus study program. She spent the second year in Crete, the third in Spain. She not only improved her English but also began to learn Greek and Spanish.
„A considerable advantage is that a student can design about 50% of their study plan. For me, it meant a long vacation that I could use to visit my family or get to know the countries of the European Union. ‘‘
For the past two years, she has been working as a hardware designer in a Czech design company, where she works on a turbine control system.
She is very curious about the challenges that the future will bring to technical fields. Her wish is to move closer to environmental issues, such as more environmentally friendly energy gains. She is convinced that technicians certainly do not have to worry about their future.
She loves to travel, by train, on foot, by bike, with a backpack, with friends and alone, in summer and winter. She loves mountains and nature, and during the coronavirus crisis, she also gets to know the beauties of the Czech Republic.
"It's a really incredibly beautiful country. I am very lucky to be able to live here. "
She loves climbing; she likes to swim and go jogging, ride a bike, and lately, she fell for yoga.
One of her main hobbies is foreign languages. So far, she has mastered four, but it does not end there, and she plans to learn more. One day she would like to do more volunteering.
And how would she summarize her experience with studying at FEE?
“Study itself has been a benefit to me in all senses. It was a long and breathtaking journey, full of challenges, victories and defeats, new people, and experiences. University life was a breeding ground for me, where I found many opportunities for education, self-development, and personal growth.‘‘
Also, the study of electrical engineering is a ticket to an exciting world of new technologies. As far as future position on a labor market is concerned, technicians will always find work without any problems.“