

Become a scientist! Join our Ph.D. program and change the world for the better.

For Czech study programs. For studying in English click below.

Applicants for doctoral study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia (FEE) are admitted on the basis of an admission interview.

Conditions for admission

  • completion of study on the Master study programme,
  • filing a fully completed application, including the required annexes,
  • payment of an administrative fee for the admission procedure,
  • successful completion of the admission interview.

Application for study

  • electronically at,
  • fill in required data,
  • enclose the following annexes (in PDF format - rules):
    • structured CV in the format Europass,
    • university diploma; in the case of higher education undertaken abroad, the decision on the recognition of foreign education or confirmation on the level of foreign education achieved according to the Rector's Directive No. 34R/2017 Procedure for the Recognition of Foreign Education and Qualification (Article 8 + Annex No. 4),
    • diploma supplement,
  • we do not require a medical certificate of medical fitness,
  • the applicant has the right to state in the application that he/she is a person with special educational needs,

Rules for attachments to doctoral study at FEE

If the submitted documents are not in Czech or English, they must be officially translated into one of these languages. Where attachment is provided by uploading a scanned document into the e-application information system, this also applies to these attachments. When submitting copies or scanned originals, the applicant shall, upon request, submit the originals or their certified copies to verify the authenticity of the documents.

  • Electronically (preferred)
    • Scan the originals of the required documents to PDF and upload them when submitting the e-application in step 2, section Upload files required for you field of study.
    • If you do not yet have attachments available at the time of application, you can upload them later.
    • Choose appropriate file names to make attachments easy to identify.
    • Attachments can be uploaded individually or combined into a single file.
    • To upload attachments, use the Browse... button at the bottom of the page.
    • Confirm the upload of the file by clicking Save file.
    • Uploading attachments must be done by the deadlines.
    • A maximum of 12 files can be uploaded.
  • By post
    • copy the originals of the required documents.
    • send copies to our faculty address: Study Office of FEE UWB in Pilsen, Ing. Jana Čečilová, Univerzitní 26, 301 00, Plzeň.
  • Personally
    • copy the originals of the required documents.
    • go to the Study Office - 1st floor, office No. EU211 - Ing. Jana Čečilová

Payment of the administrative fee

  • The administrative fee for admission procedure is 500 CZK.
  • The fee can be paid by bank transfer, cash at a bank or at the UWB cash desk, or by postal order.
  • Information on the bank transfer:
    • bank code: 0100
    • IBAN - CZK: CZ8101000000004811530257
    • IBAN - EUR: CZ0401000000004845500267
    • IBAN - USD: CZ3201000000004845490257
    • variable symbol: 2275000124
    • specific symbol: generated number for the application.

Admission interview

  • The interview is held with the candidate present in person, in front of a committee appointed by the Dean but can also be conducted by means of a videoconference.
  • The admission interview takes place in the language of the study program for which the applicant is applying.
  • During the interview, the committee will ask the candidate questions with regard to the field of study and the general topic for which the candidate applies.
  • Each applicant is asked three questions by the committee. Each response will be assessed by the Committee using the following grades: "Passed" or "Failed".
  • The candidate will have successfully passed the admission interview if he/she receives a "Passed" grade for minimally two answers.

Admission procedure dates

Deadline for submitting the application      by 31 May 2024

Deadline for submitting the required annexes to the application      by 31 May 2024

Deadline for payment of the administrative fee      by 16 June 2024

Deadline for completion of Master's degree for applicants
who finish their studies in the academic year 2023/24      by 16 June 2024

Date for admission interview      27 June 2024

Deadline for verification of the admission procedure requirements      8 July 2024


contact person


Ing. Jana Čečilová

Study coordinator for international students (EU211)

+420 377 634 095


Jana Lepičová

Coordinator for doctoral study at FEE (EU202)

+420 377 634 015

Terms for Admission for Ph.D. Applicants