Doctoral studies

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Graduates of the corresponding university master's degree have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in doctoral studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia. This study represents the third, highest degree of university study, is full-time or combined (external), and its standard length is four years.

During the study, the state doctoral examination is passed within two years from the beginning, and the study is completed within four years by defending the dissertation. Graduates are awarded the academic title of "Doctor" (abbreviated to "Ph.D." after the name).

Doctoral study program:

  • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 

Advantages of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

1. Opportunity to join the FEL / RICE team and get a job already during the study in unique internationally recognized FEL / RICE teams.
2. Opportunity to learn from supervisors who are world-renowned experts. By cooperating with them, you will get a reference for a future job that would otherwise be unavailable to you.
3. Collaborate on world-unique research and development projects, collaborate with the most important industrial companies.
4. Ability to travel around the world. At foreign conferences and internships, you will gain interesting contacts and meet important personalities.
5. In study programs taught in Czech scholarship up to CZK 15,000 per month, which can be increased by performance rewards in the form of extraordinary scholarships and possibly rewards from projects on which you will work.

Title: Doctor, Ph.D.
Form: full-time or combined
Language of instruction: Czech or English

Possibility of study stays / internships abroad.